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Kérjük, figyelmesen olvassa el a program aktiválására vonatkozó utasításokat és a további térképek aktiválásával kapcsolatos tudnivalókat!

The license key typically looks like

The license key cannot be:

- the serial number that is displayed in the unregistered version of the application;
- your e-mail or login to personal account;
- IMEI of the phone or phone number;
- the order number or product code.

In the box below enter the key you want to activate and then select the activation type.

The license key is incorrect
Fontos! Abban az esetben, ha az eszközt előtelepített Navitel Navigator programmal vásárolta, a licenc kulcsot nem szükséges újból aktiválni!
In order to receive software and map updates, you need to add the device to My Devices in your private area.
How to find out serial number in the Navitel Navigator?

- for version 9.6 and later:
when you click on the exclamation mark in the middle of the screen on the Unregistered version page;
- in version 9.3 and later:
when clicking the fleld:Buy premium > Activate key;
- for versions 7.0–9.2:
when clicking the field:Unregistered version of the application.
In earlier versions, you must enter the Demo mode
(You need to select any of the proposed trial maps):
- for version 5.5 on the page:
Menu > My Navitel > My products > Navitel Navigator;
- for version 5.1 and earlier:
Menu > Information > About the program.
To view the license key of the program, run Navitel Navigator and select:

- for version and later:
Menu > My Navitel > Download maps > Navitel Navigator;
- for versions –
Menu > My Navitel > My products > Navitel Navigator;
- for earlier versions:
Menu > Information > About the program.

Key for the map can be used only for one device!