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Programme error
* If the device runs on custom firmware or an application launcher, please, indicate the information, including the number of the version.
To see the version number of the programme open where available "My Navitel → Download maps", otherwise open "My Navitel → All products". Version number appears in "X.X.X.X". format.
Indicate the name of software archive that you have downloaded from the website.
To see the version number of the map open where available "My Navitel → Download maps", otherwise open "My Navitel → All products". Version number appears in "201XQX" format.
When possible, record the track for the part of the route, where problems occur, and attach its archive to your report.
Valid file formats: ZIP, RAR
When possible, attach the screenshot specifying your bug report.
Describe the nature of the error that you have discovered and how often and under which conditions it occurs.